aT LAsT...:)

Saturday, March 08, 2008 at 3/08/2008 02:10:00 PM
alhamdulillah should be the first word ever come out after over 2 years i've been struggling to finish up my study...syukur sangat2 coz akhirnya da submit my thesis to the IPSIS which this mean i just have one last step to get my master's, that is sgt2 lega sbb da berjaya hantar (hopefully all is OK) and sgt2 takut coz da nk kene duduk for i am happy coz da dapat keje..wpun just as RA kat IMR, at least x yah la duk tanam anggur lama2..huhu..2 good thigs happen to me in one day (act keje ni dapat semalm..huhu)...alhamdulillah...:)...


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