TahNiAh MuhaMMad...

Friday, December 29, 2006 at 12/29/2006 04:30:00 AM
this is my dear bro..muhammad...this year he's taking a big exam..PMR.dia br amik exam result today..and the result is quite good..6A's...ok la tu...but dia still sedey coz x dpt penuh..xpe muhammad...there are still one more big exam that u can show ur capability in getting straight A's...insyaALLAH...not getting straight A's is not the end of the world rite...u still have a long journey and more exams for u to think of....anyway dear...congratulation....


Wednesday, December 27, 2006 at 12/27/2006 04:52:00 PM
smile again.....hehehe...=D =D =D

HePi BesDay mIdaHHHH....

Tuesday, December 26, 2006 at 12/26/2006 01:49:00 PM
Happy besday Hamidah Sahibul Anwar...semoga awak di panjangkan umur, dimurahkan rezeki n dijodohkan dgn c'abg awk tu...hehe...fren 4 eva...=D

nak balik ke x nak?????

Saturday, December 23, 2006 at 12/23/2006 09:30:00 AM
ssusahnye nk buat keputusan...nak balik umah gombak ke x nak...huhuhu.padahal x susah pun.nk kata sok nk buat keje kat lab, mcm x logik jek..sedangkan arini dr.choo n kak nana xde pun mcm dh cuti..tu pun nasib baik ada test tikus yg nk kene buat.kalu x..selamat la...apa la nk jadik niiiii...

act semalam lg dh pikir nk balik..tp sbb pikir ada keje nk kene buat mcm x nk balik. tp bl tgk balik baju yg x basuh tu,seperti nk balik...huhuhu...hmmm...ni suma salah si gedik..dia senantiasa menghasut gue...hehehe...siap bg kata2 lagi 'kalu rasa ada keje nk buat, x yah la balik..tp kalu rs nk stay sbb mcm besalah, baik x yah la...kt nk kn kualiti, bkn kauntiti...' yg x tahan tuh...dia ckp..'cuti sampai ari isnin tuhhhh...'...mmg penghasut yg berjaya la....

and i had made my decision...IM GOING BACK HOME...hahaha...


Friday, December 22, 2006 at 12/22/2006 10:16:00 AM
...ini lah org2 yg paling penting dlm idup...nothing are more important than them....
shahizan or yan..akak
shahida or ida..me
nabila or illa..adik1
mas hana..adik3
muzaffar or zaffar..adik4

SamA x???

at 12/22/2006 03:49:00 AM
hehe...ni namanye xde keje...tang mana yg sama tu pun x tau.tp seronok gak main bende2 nih...sama ngan heroin full house tu yg x tahan...hahaha...anyway it just a fun thing to do when u are in stress...nk release stress la katakn....:)

PasAngan iDeal...:)

Thursday, December 21, 2006 at 12/21/2006 10:06:00 AM
kak nana: shida, malu x kalu boyfren shida x pandai??
me: hmm...x pandai dr segi apa??
kak nana: blajar x tinggi, x reti ckp BI...x mo majukn diri. bende camtu la...

for me, bkn senang nk cari psgn yg betul2 serasi ngan kita...munkin ada tp 1 dlm sejuta...tp honestly la, mesti ada kekurangan kat mn2.mn ada yg sempurna dlm dunia ni except Allah SWT...

to find someone yg really2 good, ssh la...
kalu x belajar tinggi, x bermaksud dia x pandai, x reti nk uruskn idup. kalu x reti ckp english, x semestinye dia x ble ke depan lgsg. eng is not the only reason u need to be 'someone'...but yg xmo majukn diri tuh, ssh skit...suma org kene majukn diri.x kira yg blajar tinggi ke x...especially lelaki...galz xmo laki yg x nk maju ke depan.blajar x tinggi xpe, tp jgn yg x bercita2...

of course suma org mengimpikan seorang yg cantik/hensem, pandai, beragama (most important!!!..:)), sopan, kemas n suma la yg baik2...but for me, i dream for someone that is religious (yg ble mbimbing), love me n my family n accept me as i am....saper la agaknye tu...hmm...(mata kelip2 n tangan kat dagu...yanie, 2006)...

If a GaLzz cRieS For U...

at 12/21/2006 09:37:00 AM
If a girl cries in front of you,
it means that she couldn't take it anymore. Hmm...
If you take her hand,
she would stay with you for the rest of your life. Haram pegang..
If you let her go,
she couldn't go back to being herself anymore. X kot..

A girl wont cry easily,
Except in front of the person who she love the most,
she becomes weak.
Ye ke???

A girl wont cry easily,
only when she loves you the most,
she put down her ego.
No comment...

Guys, if a girl cries bcoz of you, please hold her hands firmly,
she's the one who would stay with you for the rest of your life.
InsyaAllah..tp xleh pegang kalu x sah...;)

Guys, if a girl cries bcoz of you, please dont give her up,
maybe bcoz of your decision, you ruin her life.
if me...x kot...

When she cry rite in front of you,
When she cry bcoz of you,
Look into her eyes,
Can u see n feel the pain n hurt she's feeling?

Which other girl have cried
wif pure sincerity,
Infront of you,
And bcoz of you?
She cry not because she is weak,
She cry not bcoz she want sympathy or pity,
She cry,
Because crying silently is no longer possible,
the pain, hurt, n agony have become too big a burden to be kept inside.
Penuh puitis sekali..

Think about it,
If a girl cry her heart out 2 you,
And all because of you,
It's time to look back on wat u have done,
Only you will know the answer to it.
Hmm...guys...u should think of it..

Do consider it,
Coz one day,
It may be too late for regrets,
It may be too late to say "i'm sorry".
...there's someone yg mula nyesal...

seLamAt PenGantIn BaRu Mai n AbU

Monday, December 18, 2006 at 12/18/2006 08:07:00 AM

Selamat Pengantin Baru Cik Mai n C'Abu...semoga berkekalan smpi ke anak cucu...:)

GalZz frOm leVel 6...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006 at 12/13/2006 02:13:00 PM

This pic was taken this morning using Mr. Zali new Sony camera worth RM16OO ++...pehhh..

Then, dgn kecemerlangan our kakak, 'kak Nana', maka gmbr ini telah di print n di tampal di dlm lab..n dinamakn 'Geng Organic'...hehe..

HepI BeSdaY GeDikkkkkkkkk

Tuesday, December 12, 2006 at 12/12/2006 09:44:00 AM

Awk...happy besday..ni la roommate yg sama2 jarang duk kat umah yg disewa..asik balik jek memanjang..hehe...apapun selamat panjang umur n dimurahkn rezeki n jumpa psgn yg baik..hehe

A shoUldeR tO cRy on

Tuesday, December 05, 2006 at 12/05/2006 08:54:00 PM

Life is full of lots of up and downs,
And the distance feels further when you're headed for the ground,
And there is nothing more painful than to let you're feelings take you down,
It's so hard to know the way you feel inside,
When there's many thoughts and feelings that you hide,
But you might feel better if you let me walk with you by your side,

And when you need a shoulder to cry on,
When you need a friend to rely on,
When the whole world is gone,
You won't be alone, cause I'll be there,
I'll be your shoulder to cry on,
I'll be there,
I'll be a friend to rely on,
When the whole world is gone, you won't be alone, cause I'll be there.

All of the times when everything is wrong
And you're feeling like there's no use going on
You can't give it up
I hope you work it out and carry on
Side by side,
With you till the end
I'll always be the one to firmly hold your hand
no matter what is said or done
our love will always continue on

Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on
everyone needs a friend to rely on
When the whole world is gone
you won't be alone cause I'll be there
I'll be your shoulder to cry on
I'll be there
I'll be the one you rely on
when the whole world's gone
you won't be alone cause I'll be there!

Frenz 4 eva....

poKok SeMalu & waNiTa

at 12/05/2006 06:16:00 AM
Pada suatu hari, Rasulullah s.a.w berjalan-jalan bersama puteri baginda, Saidatina Fatimah r.a. Setibanya mereka berdua di bawah sebatang pohon tamar, Fatimah terpijak pohon semalu, kakinya berdarah lalu mengadu kesakitan.
Fatimah mengatakan kepada bapanya apalah gunanya pohon semalu itu berada di situ dengan nada yang sedikit marah. Rasulullah dengan tenang berkata kepada puteri kesayangannya itu bahawasanya pohon semalu itu amat berkait rapat dengan wanita. Fatimah terkejut.
Rasulullah menyambung kata-katanya lagi. Para wanita hendaklah mengambil pengajaran daripada pohon semalu ini dari 4 aspek.
Pertama, pohon semalu akan kuncup apabila disentuh. Ini boleh diibaratkan bahawa wanita perlu mempunyai perasaan malu (pada tempatnya).
Kedua, semalu mempunyai duri yang tajam untuk mempertahankan dirinya. Oleh itu, wanita perlu tahu mempertahankan diri dan maruah sebagai seorang wanita muslim.
Ketiga, semalu juga mempunyai akar tunjang yang sangat kuat dan mencengkam bumi. Ini bermakna wanita solehah hendaklah mempunyai keterikatan yang sangat kuat dengan Allah Rabbul Alamin.
Dan akhir sekali, semalu akan kuncup dengan sendirinya apabila senja menjelang.
Oleh itu, para wanita sekalian, kembalilah ke rumahmu apabila waktu semakin senja.
Ambillah pengajaran dari semalu walaupun ia hanya sepohon tumbuhan yang kecil.

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