KereTA ku...:)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007 at 7/17/2007 01:22:00 PM
setelah sekian lama menyepi..akhirnye dpt gak tulis blk dlm blog nih..huhu..i've been very bz lately..with my research work, hoping that i can finish by june..but unfortunately, x berjaya la plak..sedey nk buat gane la kn..nama pun research..not everything will be smoothly work as we planned..hmm..penat pun ada sebenarnye.x sbr nk abis kn master nih pastu keje plak..

arini, really hepi coz akhirnye dpt baiki kete kesygn ku yg hampir nk nazak tu.huhu..(x la nazak sgt, just luv to exaggerate..hehe).alhamdulillah..wpun kene RM 400, but i am really satisfied with their work (the mechanic)..thanks to them n to a fren..:)..lama da nk baiki, tp almaklum la, poket tgh br msk scholarship, 1st thing baiki kete..hehe..da byk berjasa kete tu..hmm...a fren of mine told me to be more alert with my car..kalu ada rosak jek, cepat2 pi betulkn...kalu x the same thing will RM will fly away dgn byknye..huhu...but kalu duit tu pergi pd tmpt sepatutnye xpe je kot...huhu..anyway i'll take note..thanks..:)

this is my little cute car...comel tuan dia kn..hehe..cik nie kalu bc nih mesti termuntah2...huhu..


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