EpI KnEW eAr

Monday, January 01, 2007 at 1/01/2007 04:00:00 PM
2007...cepat tul ms berlalu..dulu 2006, skrg dh 2007..huisyhh...byk lg bende nk disetelkn..mcm2 kenangan pahit n manis ms thn 2007..kenangan yg menggelikan smpi rs nk keluarkn suma bende kat dlm perut ni pun ada...huhu...

kenangan yg nk ingat 06'
...terlalu byk...kalu nk citer cam pjg sgt plak...but the sweetest memory thatI treasure the most was met with someone that i've been waiting to meet for almost 6 years...my schoolmate...hehe..mmg best even though we just met for 1 n 1/2 hour..but that was the best...i want to meet that person again...kalu diizinkan ALLAH...kalu ada jodoh.insyaALLAH...

kenangan yg x mo ingat O6'
...hmm...ada gak...tp disbbkn ianya x best nk diingatkn..so it's better to let it go with the time...

kenangan yg xmo ingat tp still dihantui 06'
...ada satu kenangan yg sgt tragis dlm idup...dulu dgr org citer jek, x pun tgk dlm tv..tetb kene kat batang idung sendiri...astagharafirullah...menakutkan, menggelikan, menjengkelkan n segala bende yg x best la...huhu...bl ingt balik mmg kelakar, kengkadang rs menyesal x sudah, kengkadang rs nk muntah...suma ada la...bercampur baur...ada yg tau psl citer nih...kalu citer balik, jenis yg naik bulu roma tuh...kengkadang tergelak giler2...haha...but act it is one of the most irritating experience i had gone through...thank god there are my family n frenz by my side to remind me...thanx...

now...2007 is here...i hope i can get through my life with lots n lots of happiness...i hope i can finish my study successfully...get a good job...ermm..there will be bad memories..no doubt...well that is life rite...we just need to know how to handle it wisely...okay 2007...here i come...hehehe...

To my beloved brother Muhammad...happy 16th besday...


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