
Tuesday, August 22, 2006 at 8/22/2006 08:03:00 AM
Act I don't know wat to say....this is the 1st time I rite in my own blog...huhu...this is all yanie gedik's fault...dia yg mempengaruhi dlm penghasilan blog ni...but act it's kinda interesting thing to can rite wateva U want...I guess...hehe....

Well, there is nothing much interesting happen usual, I do my lab work, lab work and lab's a tiring day act....I am still at my lab doing my work...huhu....wateva, lepas nih kene balik gak....x larat dh....All day long kat lab jek, saper tahan....kengkadang, rs nk blk umah gombak jek...miss my family so much n nana n sarah n nazim n nasran n suma anak2 yg mak jaga...7 all of them..k la....I think that's it for today...there are still more days to come n more new interesting thing to tell, I hope so.....hehehe....k.

1 Responses to AssaLamMuAlaikUm...

  1. tu la, keje, keje gak..kesihatan kena la jaga..famili pun kena la ingat..jg sibuk wat keje je :p

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