Arini gak we celebrate our papa Wong's birthday. suma org ditugaskan tuk bw mknn masing2 dr umah. And I was assigned to make pudding n fruit cocktails. memang byk la mknnnye..hmm.best2..unfortunately, disbbkn xde camera yg ble tgkp gmbr mknn2 tuh x ble la nk uploadkn skrg..kene tunggu amik dr org yg py camera.hehe..anyway, hepi besday dr wong..belated actually..
TeSt daY n BesDay Dr. WoNg
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
8/01/2007 07:54:00 PM
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Test day today..yeaa…(ttb berkerut dahi kurang pasti sama ada suka ke x..huhu). agak lama gak tinggalkan bidang tikus nih…eceh..x la lama sgt pun tp lama gak la.but today is a bit diff for me coz I use rats instead of experience but since the day I saw yanie n her rats, I know I CAN’T deal with as the solution, I asked Mr. Hannan to help me inducing the STZ to the rats..thanks hannan..spttnye start kul 10 tp sbb hannan ada hal so dia dtg lmbt I asked arif to help me.and we managed to induced 3 rats..:).after hannan smpi, dia pun smbg...this is my biggest prob which I don’t like waiting n don’t like people to wait for me..hmm..terukkn.kalu tunggu dlm 10 ke 15 minit kalu lelebey tu, mula la rs nk marah..huhu..(padahal sgtla nk mtk tlg org tu..buruknye perangai..huhu)..bila org tunggu lak, rs yg amat bersalah tuh..kengkadang, rs bersalah tu ble bw smpi 1 ari..x tau la naper gini..maybe this is the ‘kekurangan’ of me.maybe I need to change this attitude.(perlu ke ubah??maybe it’s not that bad, maybe I just need to be more patient)..suma org ada kelebihan n kekurangan masing2 n this is one of my kekurangan..huhu.
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birthday wish
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Well written article.