Farhana n her partner..can i say i forgot wat his name is..huhu..ni pertunangan jek br tp cam da nk nikah..hehe..al maklumla the only daughter.her mom was really excited..so she wanted this to be something yg memorable...hmm..sygnye mak dia..:D
conGraTulatiOns fRenz....
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
7/31/2007 10:36:00 AM
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hmm...2 3 bln kebelakangan ni byk tul kenduri kahwin yg kene dihadiri..last saturday i attend 1 engagement ceremony and 1 wedding ceremony. both of the ceremony was really beautiful. i am happy for them. both of them are a good frenz to me. we know since secondary school and now, diorg dah mula menuju ke satu kehidupan baru yg lebih mencabar…as a wife, mother, daughter in law, daughter n so on. But, wat eva I pray the best for both of you my dearest frenz..hope you will live happily till the end of ur life time…as for me, still waiting for the right person to end this single life..hehe..hmm…who could that be??? Apapun, I’ll pray so that I can end up my life with the one that love me n I love him…insyaAllah..:)..
P/s: ramai kawan2 da kawen pun susah gak.huhu..bukan apa, mak asik duk ty, bila lagi korang punye turn…n the same answer.. ‘rilek la mak’, ‘kalu ada jodoh x kemana mak’, ‘nak cari duit dulu mak’..blablabla..huhu.padahal dlm ati ni pun ada terpikir gak bab2 nih.tipu la kalu kata x pikir..hmm….:)..(sambil tgn letak bwh dagu..yanie 2006)
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