wow...lamanye x post apa2 kat blog nih..
byk benda yg terjadi but just dont have the time to write (same excuses everytime!!!huhu)
act bkn la xde masa lgsg but xde mood la nk menulis
last 2 months bertarikh 24 september 2008 i attended my viva voce exam and alhamdulillah suma berjalan dgn baik and they let me graduate for my master but after send my full corrected thesis which i am trying my best now to finish it...huhu..
jealous and proud with my frenz (hazrina, midah and yanie) which they all have sent their thesis and hazrina will be graduating this 20th november 2008...bestnye..but sedey coz dia x dpt grad sesama kami next year but anyway congratulation hazrina!!!