ni my fren ms kat sek men dulu...namanye FARUL AZLAN..=) (jambu air kan dia nih..haha)...today is his besday..HAPPY BESDAY FARUL...dia, pi'e n farhana adlh member2 yg aku rapat dr sek smpi sekarang..alhamdlillah..act the credit should go to farul n pi'e coz deme ni la yg x jemu2 ty kabar aku..huhu..thanks guys..hmm..today farul dh join my club '24 yrs old club'..hehe...n waitin' for farhana n pi'e plak..=D..
to farul...i hope Allah will always bless u n i'll always pray that u will success in wateva u r doing n u will meet someone that will make ur life happier..=D..insyaAllah..
p/s: he is still single n available..for those who r interested can contact me...haha..