pULau InDah..
Saturday, April 28, 2007
4/28/2007 09:31:00 AM
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MEMANCING..selalunye dikaitkan dengan SABAR, TABAH, HAYATI & BOSAN (for those yg x suka memancing)...truth is, i admire those yg suka memancing coz diorg mesti sgt sabar n tabah..to wait for the fish to eat the bait, really take times.it can even reach untill 1 hour (ye ke??)..sometimes, for those that unlucky, they will get rubbish rather than fish..huhu..so, ia hanya sesuai untuk yang gemar memancing jek..for those yg x gemar, it's better for u guys not to go..huhu..me, who never experience fishing, yesterday, went to pulau indah with frenz from chem engine+pharmacy..=)..n one thing that i discover bout myself is...i dont like fishing..=)..i'm not that patient (bad thing bout me)..huhu..but though i dont like fishing, i like taking picture wif midah's cam..hehe
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hePpY beSdaY faRul
Friday, April 27, 2007
4/27/2007 06:24:00 PM
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to farul...i hope Allah will always bless u n i'll always pray that u will success in wateva u r doing n u will meet someone that will make ur life happier..=D..insyaAllah..
p/s: he is still single n available..for those who r interested can contact me...haha..
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birthday wish,
9 weeks..
Monday, April 23, 2007
4/23/2007 09:36:00 PM
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I just finish one big part of my research (hmm..can i say it as a big part...i think yeah..huhu), chronic study..alhamdulillah..after 9 weeks of struggling, praying that it will last..and I am grateful, at last the day had come.:p..hopefully same goes to the other part of my research..i hope I can finish my lab work within these 2, 3 months..insyaAllah..=)..semoga dapat menghabiskan master nih ngan cemerlang..amin..=)…for the other master students, I hope we all can finish our studies within times…=D
menGisi MasA laPanG..=)
Thursday, April 19, 2007
4/19/2007 08:14:00 PM
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1. Name one person who made you smile today.
~ abg Zaffar py lawak
2. What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
~ eat my jagung
3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
~ chatting with a fren
4. What is something that happened to you in 2007?
4. What is something that happened to you in 2007?
~ bad, good or wat..so manyak la5. What is the last thing you said aloud?~ I don’t like people call me shid!!!
6. How many different things did you drink today?
6. How many different things did you drink today?
~ 3- mineral water, tea n Nescafe.
7. What color is your hairbrush?
~ brown
8. What was the last thing you bought?
~ Nescafe ice + fried noodles
9. What was the last gift you received for your birthday?
~ watch, cute lit’ bear + ferrero rocher, pic frame, spongebob =D..K dah
10. What color is your front door?
~ gombak=choc, S.A=cream
11. Where do you keep your change?
~ my small purse
12. What was the weather like today?
~ hot
13. What is the best ice cream flavor?
~ chocolate+vanilla
14. What is something you are excited about?
~ to finish my Ma
15. When was the last rainbow you saw?
~ last month…here in uitm…sygnye xde camera (hazrina, 2007)
16. What size shoe do you wear?
~ 5
17. Are you very random?
~ hmm…
18. Do you want to cut your hair?
~ yup
19. Are you ticklish?
~ sometimes
20. Are you typically a jealous person?
~ maybe
21. What was the last thing someone said to you?
~ sabar je la…
22. What did the last text message you received say?
~ooo my god…I didn’t received any text msg today..huhu
23. Do you chew on your straws?
~ don’t say it as chew la…just gigit skit jek…huhu..x elokkn.
24. Do you have curly hair?
~ cannot say
25. What is the next concert you're going to?
~ never
26. Who is the shittiest person in your life?
~ nobody..
27. How many times have you swore today?
~ 0
28. What is something you say a lot?
~ ……
29. What is the last thing you ate?
~mee goreng…laparnye sekarang..huhu.
30. Have you seen the movie "Donnie Darko"?
~ never heard be4..huhu
31. Do you have work tomorrow?
32. Is marriage in your future?
~ definitely
33. When was the last time you said "I love you."?
~bl ek????
34. What should you be doing right now?
~writing a paper…huhu
35. Do you have a nickname?
~ shida…ida…
36. Are you a heavy sleeper?
~ sometimes.
37. What is the best movie(s) you've seen in the past two weeks?
~ xde arrr
38. Is there anyone you like right now?
~I don’t know
39. When was the last time you did the dishes?
~this morning
40. Are you currently depressed?
~ agak la
41. Did you cry today?
yesterday yup…uwaaaa..ntah pape ntah
Took it from me-ailyeyanie…kind of interesting plak..=D
Took it from me-ailyeyanie…kind of interesting plak..=D
4/19/2007 09:50:00 AM
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arini dimulakan dengan baik...tapi diakhiri dengan keadaan yg menyedihkan + geram...huhu..act, sepatutnye xde la sedih sgt, tapi..rs geram sgt...uwaaaa...
pagi2 lagi dh smpi lab, posekn tikus.berniat nk buat test mlm nih..tp compound skit sgt, ada cuma nk test to make sure it is the same compound like be4..so gunakan la satu instrument ni nk test whether it is pure or not..dh start test semalam lg..just set the instrument then leave it..so dia bekerja semalamn..so pagi td around 8.30 am gi la cek, ok lg..tgh run..so biar je la sbb ada bbp jam lg..smbg la buat keje lain..kul 3++ pm td..ingt nk ttp la sbb dh settle..smpi je kat lab, ble plak ada yg 'bijak' sgt tlg ttpkn...huhuhu..tgh run dia ble ttp..yg plg geram tuh dia ttp pagi2 lg..lepas aku cek tu ada la dlm 45 to 1 hour..dia dh ttp..huhu..Ya Allah..berikan la aku kesabaran..kononnye alat tu bising, sbb ada org nk buat penerangan..so dia ttp la..wat a stupid excuse!!! tuhan je tau panasnye bl dia ckp camtu.aaaaaa...dia ada mulut, tanya la..sapa run alat tuh, ni main sedap tgn dia jek ttp..huhu...so..end up i cant do my test..bg je la tikus tu mkn balik..huhu..dugaan2..tp serius marah+geram+sedey lg!!!!!! Ya Allah jauhkn la aku dr sifat pemarah + membenci ini..amin..
moral of the story..
1. jgn lengah2kn keje (mcm xde kene mengene jek ngan cerita dia atas, but act, if i dont delay my work, i mean, if i do it earlier, maybe something like this will never happen..so the mistake act started from me)...huhu..
2. bersabar itu sebahagian drp iman..
p/s: xde mood nyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...............
pagi2 lagi dh smpi lab, posekn tikus.berniat nk buat test mlm nih..tp compound skit sgt, ada cuma nk test to make sure it is the same compound like be4..so gunakan la satu instrument ni nk test whether it is pure or not..dh start test semalam lg..just set the instrument then leave it..so dia bekerja semalamn..so pagi td around 8.30 am gi la cek, ok lg..tgh run..so biar je la sbb ada bbp jam lg..smbg la buat keje lain..kul 3++ pm td..ingt nk ttp la sbb dh settle..smpi je kat lab, ble plak ada yg 'bijak' sgt tlg ttpkn...huhuhu..tgh run dia ble ttp..yg plg geram tuh dia ttp pagi2 lg..lepas aku cek tu ada la dlm 45 to 1 hour..dia dh ttp..huhu..Ya Allah..berikan la aku kesabaran..kononnye alat tu bising, sbb ada org nk buat penerangan..so dia ttp la..wat a stupid excuse!!! tuhan je tau panasnye bl dia ckp camtu.aaaaaa...dia ada mulut, tanya la..sapa run alat tuh, ni main sedap tgn dia jek ttp..huhu...so..end up i cant do my test..bg je la tikus tu mkn balik..huhu..dugaan2..tp serius marah+geram+sedey lg!!!!!! Ya Allah jauhkn la aku dr sifat pemarah + membenci ini..amin..
moral of the story..
1. jgn lengah2kn keje (mcm xde kene mengene jek ngan cerita dia atas, but act, if i dont delay my work, i mean, if i do it earlier, maybe something like this will never happen..so the mistake act started from me)...huhu..
2. bersabar itu sebahagian drp iman..
p/s: xde mood nyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...............
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giRls = aPpleS..=D
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
4/18/2007 10:40:00 PM
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Girls are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. The boys don’t want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the grounds that aren’t as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think something is wrong with them. They think, they just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree and pick them.
-mE beSdaY...=)
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
4/11/2007 04:50:00 AM
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last sunday, 8th April 2007, aku dengan selamatnye diisytiharkn berumur 24 thn.. huhu..cepatnye ms berjalan. sedey sbnrnye sbb x dpt nk celebrate ngan family sbb ada keje nk kene buat kat S.A. tp nk buat camne, this is about my future gak..so 1st thing 1st..besday celebration still ble buat bile2..=)..yesterday, frenz from chem engine do like small party to celebrate our birthday, miey, mira(I guess her name..from chem engine), newly born baby and me.=D..thanks a lot..appreciate it very much..for those who gave me presents and wished me, thank you very much..=D..thanks sbb ingt. that's the most important..=D
ni adiah yg dpt dr kwn2..thanks a lot u guys..=D..and a birthday wish also to miey (my twin), fitra n eya (frens from 2ndary school)..
p/s: duit dah masukkkk....yeaaa...alhamdulillah..=D
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birthday wish
Friday, April 06, 2007
4/06/2007 05:01:00 AM
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ari yg penuh dugaan..huhu..pagi2 lagi dh selsema.kalu tersumbat jek xpe lg, ni jenis yg mengalir dgn laju skali...dh la nk buat test tikus.igt dh xnk buat, tp sbb penat duk posekn mlm tuh, so teruskn je la.bayangkan la, dgn hidung yg selsema, buat keje dgn tikus..mmg menguji kesabaran & kebersihan..dah plak tu, boleh dalam masa 1 year and 3 months i've been working with mice, x penah kene gigit ngan tikus..ble plak ari yg tgh antibodi x kuat, kene gigit ngan tikus...uwaaaaa..sakit oooo..but at least rasala camne tikus gigit..sakit la..huhu...sbbkn takut, terus gi clinic after finish doing my work..then doc pun bagi la berjenis2 ubat...antibiotik, vitamin C, ubat selesema and anti-tetanus injection sbg langkah berjaga2..alhamdulillah, by the evening ok dah..=D..usually bila sakit, selalu pikir maybe i had done something wrong, so Allah wanted to punish me..huhuhu.. apapun alhamdulillah, dah sihat dah..lama x kene selsema cam gitu..huhu..
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