11 Feb 2007 = sunday, tercatat la sejarah bagi post-grad stdnt yg dah lama mengidamkan utk bermain futsal..hehe..act, we were never been invited by the people who organize this event, but then kak nana, our lovely sis (puji skit..hehe) invite us to join her team (staff). so tertunai la hajat ktorg nk merasa main futsal..ye ke??for me yup, i dont know about others..hehe. disbbkn 'pandai' sgt main so, suma org pun main suma posisi.haha..mmg klakar..but it was fun, tiring n memorable..=D

This was our 1st game..we call our team geng pink..haha..comel x??mcm geli pun ada gak..surprisingly, dr choo pun turun padang gak..our cool but straight supervisor..hehe..she played all positions..striker, defend even goalkeeper..me myself didnt played that position too.huhu..cayala dr choo.the funny part is that our 1st game we lost 7 -1 with undergrad stdnt..kuang3x..gilernye 'terer'..haha..mmg klakar.dh la penuh keliling gelanggang org bg sokongan..maklumla, geng ngan lec, jd tumpuan la..spttnye menang ni x..haha..tp ok gak..x berpengalaman lgsg pun kurang2 dpt pecah telur..haha..
our 2nd and 3rd game...1-1 n 5-1..haha.suma pun ada pecah telur.xde la malu sgt.for the 1st time, ia adalah satu progress yg baik. =D..but that's not the important part.memories that we brought back is the best part..i really enjoy the game though it was tiring..hehe.. hopefully there will be next time..=D...
p/s: akibat dr bermain yg bersungguh2, kaki ku sakit x ingt tuh..smpi ke arini x ilang lagi. nk naik tangga pun mcm nk naik bukit. punye la seksa..huhu..ni la natijahnye bila 'rajin' sgt pegi bersenam =D....