QuOte for tOdAy
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
2/28/2007 09:00:00 AM
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"Silence is the true friend that never betrays"
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spOnGe bOb..=D
Thursday, February 22, 2007
2/22/2007 10:30:00 AM
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cute x??? lebih comel sbb diberi oleh org..hehe..=D..
mr spongebob ni diberi oleh cik midah..thanx sesgt..i thought im gonna buy it myself because i really like it, but tunggu dulu sbb tgh kopak skrg..tetb, cik midah bg plak..katanye adiah sempena besday bulan 4 nnt..hahaha..teharunye..suke sesgt..=D
i like this cartoon character..mr spongebob square pants. 1st time tgk citer dia, x suka. rs mcm menyampah jek..hehe..tp lepas tertgk satu citer dia, about dia msk burger yg sedap, terus suka tgk. citer2 dia suma kelakar n ada mesej disebalik tu..menarik la kesimpulannya (i'm really bad in explaining things..huhu)
tetb rs gambar ni mcm tgh buat promosi..'belilah spongebob square pants, ia berada di pasaran'..haha..tp x kesah, nk gak gmbr ngan mr spongebob nih..hehe..x penah suka apa2 karakter kartun tp spongebob ni berjaya menambat ati ini..hehe..poyo plak rs..anyway again, thanks a lot hamidah..=D..
fuTsAl =D
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
2/14/2007 08:01:00 AM
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11 Feb 2007 = sunday, tercatat la sejarah bagi post-grad stdnt yg dah lama mengidamkan utk bermain futsal..hehe..act, we were never been invited by the people who organize this event, but then kak nana, our lovely sis (puji skit..hehe) invite us to join her team (staff). so tertunai la hajat ktorg nk merasa main futsal..ye ke??for me yup, i dont know about others..hehe. disbbkn 'pandai' sgt main so, suma org pun main suma posisi.haha..mmg klakar..but it was fun, tiring n memorable..=D
This was our 1st game..we call our team geng pink..haha..comel x??mcm geli pun ada gak..surprisingly, dr choo pun turun padang gak..our cool but straight supervisor..hehe..she played all positions..striker, defend even goalkeeper..me myself didnt played that position too.huhu..cayala dr choo.the funny part is that our 1st game we lost 7 -1 with undergrad stdnt..kuang3x..gilernye 'terer'..haha..mmg klakar.dh la penuh keliling gelanggang org bg sokongan..maklumla, geng ngan lec, jd tumpuan la..spttnye menang ni x..haha..tp ok gak..x berpengalaman lgsg pun kurang2 dpt pecah telur..haha..
This was our 1st game..we call our team geng pink..haha..comel x??mcm geli pun ada gak..surprisingly, dr choo pun turun padang gak..our cool but straight supervisor..hehe..she played all positions..striker, defend even goalkeeper..me myself didnt played that position too.huhu..cayala dr choo.the funny part is that our 1st game we lost 7 -1 with undergrad stdnt..kuang3x..gilernye 'terer'..haha..mmg klakar.dh la penuh keliling gelanggang org bg sokongan..maklumla, geng ngan lec, jd tumpuan la..spttnye menang ni x..haha..tp ok gak..x berpengalaman lgsg pun kurang2 dpt pecah telur..haha..
our 2nd and 3rd game...1-1 n 5-1..haha.suma pun ada pecah telur.xde la malu sgt.for the 1st time, ia adalah satu progress yg baik. =D..but that's not the important part.memories that we brought back is the best part..i really enjoy the game though it was tiring..hehe.. hopefully there will be next time..=D...
p/s: akibat dr bermain yg bersungguh2, kaki ku sakit x ingt tuh..smpi ke arini x ilang lagi. nk naik tangga pun mcm nk naik bukit. punye la seksa..huhu..ni la natijahnye bila 'rajin' sgt pegi bersenam =D....
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KaGum!!! =D
Saturday, February 10, 2007
2/10/2007 12:23:00 AM
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to be the first one coming to the lab is impossible to me n ms yanie.hehe..but today, I manage to be the first one coming to the lab. i dont know about yanie coz we are not in the same lab, but i think she also just as same as me.hehe..yg paling x sangka tuh, sampai jam 7.30 am n we arrived before hazrina!!haha..kagum2x..act the reason we have to come early these few days becoz we need to share 1 bathroom with 7 others housemate..huhu..but this is a good practice for me as I am gonna work one day and I cant just do thing with my own way..hmm..ok..I need to be extra-hardworking today as I want to finish my study ASAP..gambate!!! =D
ePi beSdaY hAzriNa!!!!
Saturday, February 03, 2007
2/03/2007 12:33:00 PM
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Posted In birthday wish, frenz | 0 comments |
inTrO n LitEratuRe ReviEw..
Thursday, February 01, 2007
2/01/2007 06:00:00 AM
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Almost 1 week duk mengadap kertas2 yg dinamakan journal, mengadap laptop kesygn, x cukup tido, mkn x menentu demi mnyiapkan introduction n literature review for my thesis. dah naik bengong dah kepala. huhu..actually, it is a good thing to do your intro n lit rev earlier. this will make ur writting easier in the future. kita ingt, keje kt yg paling byk, tu nk kene buat, ni nk kene buat, act ada org yg lebih byk nk kene buat (to waduk...xpe awk, aja-aja!!) hehe..kira bersyukur la dgn apa yg diberi..=).this is what we call 'student life' rite. if nk relex jek, baik x yah blajar.huhu..if u want the best, u need to work towards it..apa org kata "usaha tangga kejayaan". ms jd student ni la kt nak enjoy kehidupan sbg seorang pelajar. bl dh keje nnt there is no more stdnt life. sometimes it even tougher. someone told me before...Dalam tempoh menyiapkan intro n lit rev ni, ada plak org yg suka membebel kat aku..huhu..act dia care sbg seorg kwn..tp bile ingtkn balik, mmg kelakar..anyway thanx la Bad sbb byk benor ingtkn aku..hehe..one more thing, thanx bg kek tu kat aku.aku mkn kul 3.30 am sambil menonton prison break 14..mesti ko terharukn???hahaha...
p/s: kalu ikutkan dah x byk ms dah..ada 11 bln je lagi tuk habiskan Msc ni.huhu..takut pun ada..bole ke grad dgn cemerlang nih?? hmm..insyaAllah..=D.
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