, from morning to afternoon, a lot of things happen. I don't know how to say, mix up I guess. Ada yg menyakitkn hati, funny n menakutkan....
Semalam I just realize my driving license tamat 2 bln yg lepas...hehehe...penyedaran ni berlaku pun when my sis sent me SMS about my saman yg x berbayar 3 thn yg lepas (parking je tau)...hehe...then today I plan to renew my license kat JPJ Padang Jawa...berkobar2 pegi nih, pg2 dh sampai (8.30 am)...smpi jek, diorg plak start keje kul 9.30 am..huhu...nasib baik x yah byr parking...kalu x terbang jugak 2 ringgit...ble plak arini start keje kul 9.30....huhuhu....then dgn pasrah n redhanye blk la ke lab....act my lab mate dh suruh pegi renew kat Pejabat Pos kat Menara sebab ingt nk byr saman skali, so insist gak nk buat kat JPJ...hehehe...xpe la...dugaan yg pertama....
Then 10.30 am, I went to Pejabat Pos, Menara UiTM, sbb serik dh....x nk gi JPJ...huhu...I go with Hamidah, my house n lab mate...coz she also had something to do....okey la...sampai sana nothing happen, sumer berjln lancar...then pegi HEP nk amik surat non-resident (NR) for those yg nk apply sticker pelajar....smpi kat sn x tau nk tuju pegi la kaunter pertanyaan...kat sn bleh plak MINAH sorg ni buat muka yg menyakitkn n jwb dgn nada yg menyakitkn...we ask them in a polite way, so I was expecting she will answer in a polite way too...bengang giler tgk muka nk sepak pun ada (mrh giler la konon)...huhuhu...beristighfar la byk2....hehehe...that was kejadian yg menyakitkn hati....hehehe
Pastu, we go to BCBB kat sebelah PAS coz Hamidah nk mskkn duit I park in front of the bank...kat tepi jln tuh...okey la...while I was waiting for her, there's a car (red in colour) stopped in front of me, 2 guys came out from that car. Then there's another car (WAJA) stopped in front of this red car...3 guys came out running to these 2 guys yg br kuar...then one of them pull out his 'PARANG' n tujukn ke muka si mamat sorang nih....I was like stunt becoz it's happening in front of me n ada POLIS yg tgh mkn n they didn't do anything pun...for a second I thought this is just a dream or latihan ke apa ke....hehehe...sbb polis tu ble duk mkn n x buat pape tuh...public people yg beriya2 nk kejar...ketar lutut dibuatnye...thank god nothing happen...after they (bad guys) realize that so many people there n 2 policemen sitting...they just ran away....nasib la xde pape buruk jd...Alhamdulillah it's not happening to us...huhuhu....know what, for a moment I said to myself, I rather to see that 'MINAH' face than confront with thing like this....hehehe....pastu, ingt blk x mo la....hahaha
The moral of the story is....hehehe....for the last paragraph...kalu nk ke bank tlg la PEGI BERAMAI2, jgn la berlengah2 kat kete...dh kuar je, trus kene la sentiasa 'BERWASPADA' (eeee....lama x ckp perkataan nih...:))...n kalu parking kat dlm bangunan, TOLONGLA BERHATI2...we never know what's going to happen next....
...TraGedi Hari Ini...
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
8/23/2006 12:48:00 PM
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tu la, bahaya dok soorg2 ni..lain kali, kalo semua dah balik kat lab tu, balik la gak..bahaya mlm2 tu sorg2..awak tu pompuan.